
Beanbots Rise of the Swarm

I spent a good deal of my time over the last few years at a hackerspace called HeatSync Labs. While I would constantly see members wiring up things like an Arduino Uno or a Raspberry Pi, I tended to just stay in my Node.js and HTML5 world for the most part. ... Continue Reading

Beefy Workflow with RequireJS

Sometimes you want to work on your AMD code as a single bundle; the same way it will be deployed in production, with automatic bundling and live reload. Thanks to Chris Dickinson's recent work on the beefy development server, it's now easier to use r.js as a custom bundler. ... Continue Reading

Node JS in Chrome

While we like the Browserver project, it uses a reverse proxy and pushes requests down to the client via a websocket. Node-chromify took a different approach, and has no external server dependency. ... Continue Reading