
Controlling Drones with Google Glass and JavaScript

This past weekend (July 27, 2013) was International Nodebots Day and I decided to attend Portland's event. The event was excellent and I would like to give props to all the organizers, Tracy, Troy, Adron, Carter, Jason, Adam & anyone else I might have forgotten, who were able to bring people of all skill levels and interests together to control hardware with JavaScript. ... Continue Reading

Create and Deploy a Nodester App Without Installing Git Using Cloud9 IDE

At Iced Dev, our main business is consulting for Node.js and building great web applications using it with HTML5 technologies. Our favorite hosting platform is Nodester (@Nodester) because it is the only Open-Source PaaS for Node.js and maintained by a great group of developers. Recently, Nodester redesigned their website and made it extremely easy to use their API using apigeeā€™s API Explorer. ... Continue Reading

Building Breakouts with FrozenJS

If you're looking for a framework for building Single Page Applications, you'll want to visit the TodoMVC project. TodoMVC is a collection of several implemenations of a simple Todo web applications using various toolkits and frameworks. Similarly, to make an informed decision on which HTML5 game engine to use you'll want to compare implementations of the same game. Matt Greer's Breakouts project does just that using the classic game Breakout as the target. ... Continue Reading